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Video relates to visual playback on a television (TV) or display on a monitor. A TV broadcast signal consists of sound (audio) and image (video). A TV has specific circuitry that allows the capture of these signals for playback. The audio signal is delivered to the speaker and the video signal is delivered to the visual screen. Audio and Video signals can be recorded for later playback. In order to do this, you need a Videocassette Recorder (VCR) or a DVD Player (or DVD Recorder/Player). To record live-action audio and video, there are camcorders, which integrate a camera and recorder in one compact unit. The term A/V represents audio and video. Using A/V in computers has been the basis of the term multimedia - combining audio and video into presentations and creative works. Video can also be transferred to and from the Internet. This is called Video Streaming. While a movie is among the most common uses for video production, video is an electronic system and a movie is a film-based system. A movie can be easily sent as a video signal but a video signal is not likely to be projected on the large screen of a movie theater

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